Monday, November 13, 2006

A Gift to Myself

I decided a while back I needed a blog. It's a valid question, why would anyone *need* a blog? Everyone has their own reasons, I suppose, given by how many blogs are out there on the web these days. Mine are fairly simple. The everyday tangents of my life are important to me; they characterize who I am and the changes that effect themselves on that person in small ways. My thoughts are fleeting. My creativity is amoebic, prolific at times and doornailish at others.

I think these things are worth preserving, even for the relatively short life of a web log, at least for myself.

This is a new venture for me. I do not share myself. I do not expose myself. My thoughts are private and I keep them in dark places where no one can see, where no one can criticize. So I have to unlearn isolation.

I will share with friends and family, eventually my children. Strangers may run across it. There's a high potential that I'll embarrass myself along the way. There's even a chance someone will read something they don't like, and then hold it against me. Such is life. Every day I get out of bed and walk out of the house, I run the risk of offending, surprising, hurting and loving. It will happen to you, too. I'd like to write a clever disclaimer, but all it will say is I am what I am. Accept me as-is, or else don't beat me up when you realize you've made a mistake. I certainly won't hold it against you when you walk away.

Intros are are intros do, and such is mine. Welcome to my Daily Tangent.

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