Friday, December 7, 2012

55: Day of Infamy

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As the sun rose on the bow, the salty waves threw themselves onto the deck and splintered into the air, refracting the golden rays into a million specks of rainbow glitter. On every side, the fleet could be seen to an unending distance.

Standing on the bridge, Admiral Nagumo checked his watch. It was time.
* * * * *
FFF-55 Vol. XLVII. Tell a story in exactly 55 words. Go see G-Man.


  1. a chilling memory...or bit of history....was talking to my history class about it today...

  2. Whoa...whoa. Your 55 gave me freakin' CHILLS. We lived in Hawaii when my husband was stationed at Schofield Barracks. I only got to visit the Arizona Memorial once, but wow, what an experience.

  3. Tora Tora Tora!!!!!!
    Very nicely penned Linc.
    We should NEVER forget that infamous day.
    Loved your Sneak Attack 55
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  4. Thank you for this chilling 55. Lest we forget....

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