Thursday, September 5, 2019

A Rant

The older I get, and the more times I repeat the cycle, the more it becomes clear that having a good life means ONE THING about 89% of the time: getting your head out of your ass.

Not enough sleep? Turn off the TV and put your phone away at bedtime. Don't like how you look? Get some exercise and stop eating crap. Hate your job? Go get a new one, or maybe get that schooling you need for a better position. Not enough time for what's important? Delete your social media apps from your phone and see what happens.

If your house is dirty, sitting around complaining about it won't make it clean. Do the dishes, sweep the floors, scrub that mold out of your shower stall. It's hard work, but you already know nothing else will fix it, it doesn't all have to be done at once, and when you're done you'll feel better. Life is the same way.

Yes, SOMETIMES YOU NEED HELP. Nobody can do everything alone. Maturity is about learning your limits and the balance between independence and stubbornness. The difference is about what pushes you toward, or keep you from, your goals.

Ultimately, you aren't a victim of society or at the whim of fate; YOU are your biggest obstacle. Take charge of your life and build something, for yourself and those you love. Nobody else is going to sort out your shit because they're all on their own journeys.

Don't begrudge someone else's success; someone (usually them) has worked hard to get that. If you want to enjoy the same things they have, you have to do the same work.
