When I finally got around to it again, I was so proud of
myself. But when I went to post my work, I realized I’d missed a whole lot of
important news. Apparently, the G-Man is out for repairs!
Get well soon, Galen. We miss you! Here’s to hoping for many
more kick ass weekends!
* * * * *
FFF-55 Vol. [omg who cares]. Tell a story in exactly 55 words. Go see G-Man.
The last couple weeks, Galen (AKA G-Man), the host of the weekly Friday Flash Fiction 55 blogapalooza, fell ill and has been hospitalized. I don't know this man, but I know his mind, his face, his sense of humor, his passions--I've all but shaken his hand through his writing, and I'm glad of it. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way--dozens of others participate far more often than I do in the weekly fictionfest. I'm sending a little extra good feeling up toward the middle knuckle area of my left handed map.