Friday, May 27, 2011


I’d never been a violent person, aside from a few holes in drywall. I’d certainly never threatened a person before. But when he said it, I couldn’t help myself.

He seemed as surprised as me, held in a headlock with the blade against his neck.

“You’ve ruined me,” I said. “And now, you’re ruined too.”

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FFF-55 Vol. XVI. Tell a story in exactly 55 words. Go see G-Man.

Friday, May 13, 2011


If it hurt when I drove my fist through the wall, I couldn’t tell. I would have done it again if she hadn’t screamed. I only noticed something like pain when I opened my hand to pick up my keys, and even then it was only a vague counterweight to my rage.

It was over.
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FFF-55 Vol. XV. Tell a story in exactly 55 words. Go see G-Man.